What Love Taught Me II

Abduljabbar Ramadhan Ali
4 min readJun 28, 2019


Days and months passed. I was so afraid to express my feelings to her. How could I told her that I wanted her to be my girlfriend? Yet many of the boys never managed to make friendship with her because of the same issues.

I started to avoid her. I would go break, even without passing across her class. I never even wanted to let her know what I was going through. By then she had some friends, One of them was called Tracy. A very cute girl who had also been admitted recently in our school. She was so hot as i can term her, but she was never hot like Sophia.

I decided to talk to Tracy after I realised she was her close friend. I told her about what I felt about Sophia. She asked why was I afraid to face her and tell her the truth. It was so hard for me. Thinking that I will break our friendship.

My friends knew what was going on. They knew because my whole character and behavior of being chicky and funny. It had been turned into the silent of the grave. I would not talk in class. I would late my Assistant Class Captain to take over the duties of the whole class. In the dormitory. I would only greet them, and lay on my bed looking at the white ceiling board. Wondering in my own world.

As time went. I knew this feeling would set me on fire. I decided to stand against my own fear. I knew i would lose her. Our friendship bond wasn`t gonna make it with such a silence. Many boys too, were after the same jewel!

One day as I was going outside of the class. Making my way out of the tuition block. I met her. She stared at me. I stood. I looked at her too. I abruptly told her that, i would like to talk to her. She never hesitated, She knew there was something wrong with me. She was eager to know what was it.

We went together to the basketball pitch.We sat around the pavements. Which were painted black at white that made the path ways looked so amazing. The same path ways would be cleaned everyday in the morning. The students who would come late to school, would be punished by cleaning the school compound. I was responsible for such kind of work. I would give each student their portion to work on. I would later come to check if the place had been cleaned up thoroughly.

“Sophia…” I started to talk to her. The voice was not clear. I cleared my throat.
“I know you have not been able to talk to me, to be honest I was the cause of us not communicating. I really do blame myself for that. I made you feel lonely, I made you feel so broke. I`m so sorry for that.” I tried to let her understood why I had changed so suddenly. I thought she would say anything. She never said a word. She just looked at me while biting her lips.

It was a hard time for me to go on. I never knew how she was feeling about me. My thoughts were at race, while my heart was burning in flames. I felt the urge to hold her, hug her and tell her what i feel about her. This was not possible. I put more courage, and continued to talk to her.

“I know what I might say, may sound so offensive to you. I want you to understand, I don`t want you to hate me as you do to most of the boys in school. I don`t want you to break our friendship after I have told you what I feel about you. I want you to know, the moments that i was silent, never even want to see you. I was thinking on how i was going to express what I feel for you. I know it may sound crazy. We have been knowing each other for a short time, and such kind of feelings evolved so quick. Don`t feel like I just want to use you, being honest. I`m I love with you so much.”

She looked at me and never said a word. She looked down. Her face frowned, in a way I never seen it before. I knew I had already annoyed her. I knew she will never want to talk to me anymore. Will she categorize me as the other boys in school? Will she accept my proposal? As I was thinking what to say next. She stood and walk away without even saying a word

Stay in touch for the part III of the story. Thanks for reading.

Originally published at https://relationshipfun0.blogspot.com on June 28, 2019.



Abduljabbar Ramadhan Ali

Hello, I'm Abduljabar from Mombasa, Kenya. I'm a passionate blogger and a friendly man. Here is my blogs herbeautyonly.blogspot.com (Her Beauty)