This Is Why People Fail In Life!

Abduljabbar Ramadhan Ali
8 min readJul 19, 2019

Have you ever asked yourself why people fail in life? Failure surrounds them. Failure is always the topic they talk about. This sucks so much. When your life revolve around it. Many people keep saying that failure is apart of your growth and that is true. But you have to find out why is it always you who is failing? Were you born for failure?

We have some habits that you might be holding onto them, that may be making you to fail every time you try out something new. No matter how many times you fail, never give up. When you fall, rise again and keep moving forward. This does not mean that we should not eliminate the things that keep us failing.

We have to develop good strategies that will be of benefit to us. These strategies that would enable us to rise. It will not be possible to develop this strategies while we are still stuck to our older way of handling things.

So, today am going to give you reason to why people fail in their lives. You are going to use the same reasons to prevent your fall. They have always been saying, “prevention is better than cure.” I now believe this when I bought a laptop and failed to update antivirus and later on my laptop crushed down. If I had updated my antivirus that would not have happened.

I’m basing this example with the real life situation. If you fail to take action on something that you value so much, then you will end up losing it. We always have to be on our toes. To make sure that we work on the correct strategies of our lives.

These are the reasons why we fail. When you take your time and think the opposite of them, it is actually not a big deal to transform them into valuable traits.

1. Lack Of Self Discipline.

Self discipline revolve around everything. This is the trait that defines our personality. Personality is what gives people idea which kind of a person you are. You will never succeed in your life if you let both of these go astray. Self disciple is the backbone of everything.

Do you know what I mean by backbone? Here is what I mean, you will never manage to wake up without your backbone, you won’t be able to walk, you won’t be able to do anything but, only sleeping.

Discipline starts with how we talk to the people around us, how we behave around them, how we perceive them. This is the point where we tend to get the discipline I’m talking about.

If most of the people around around you are looking you with a negative perspective. Do you you think anyone will be wiling to entrust you with his or her property? Will you be able to get any decent jobs around your area.

Even if you decide to live 500 miles from your community. You have to remember discipline is still with you. It is like a sprayed perfume on your shirt. So hard to run away from the fragrance until you take off your shirt. This implies with your discipline. No matter how much you try to hide it, it will one day reveal itself. This is because that is the real you, and you can avoid yourself unless you decide to take the right turn.

Discipline is the key thing for your success. If you mess with it, then you are accepting the budge of failure in your Life. No one would want that. Do you? The time we spend, the goals we plan, the decisions we make, the people we decide to embrace in our this is all determined by discipline.

Take a look around the globe and try to ask yourself, are the most successful people in the world indiscipline?

2. Lack Of Motivation Factor.

Lack of motivation factor is one of the element that also leads to the failure. People will always wish for the brighter future, hope for a wonderful life which is free from debts. No one have or will ever wished for his failure.

You work so hard everyday. You have your own intrinsic motivation that keeps you working for the goal you want to achieve 5 years from now. This pressure within you keeps you moving on without caring about the current of obstacles that are coming against you.
It comes a time when this internal motivation is faded away. This is where by people start turning their backs on the effort they have been putting all years. Simply because, they lack motivation factor. Motivation factor is so essential for one’s development be it either physically, emotionally economically. This will be a topic for a another day. Just stay in touch.
Do you know how motivation factor comes about? Okay let me take it you through, and if you how the motivation factor comes about,then add up your knowledge. That is the beautiful of knowledge. It is all about sharing, I can’t know everything that you know, while you can’t know everything that I know.
Motivation factor can be obtained from the life experience of other people and your own life experience. When you want to give up on a project, business, studies, marriage or anything that benefits you, just because you are fade up. Try to look at those who keep on moving forward. What is so different between the them and you? What is it that that keeps him working hard than you do?
When you complain about how poorly you are performing in school, try to check on the student who have always been lagging behind. Do you think he does not want to be there, where you are right now? Yet you keep on looking down upon your own progress. This should give you a motive to aim higher.
When you were learning how to ride the bicycle, how many times did you fell? I guess twenty times. May be more 🤣🤣🤣 You got hurt and you never gave up, until you knew how to ride a bicycle. You were a kid then, you never knew what to give up was. At the same time when you wrere learning how to walk. You stumbled and fall but you never gave up.
This is the same attitude you should develop. You have to keep finding facts that will keep you standing. No matter how tired you feel, just keep on moving on. Keep the morale as it was when you were starting up. Success will define your effort.

Lack of a proper plan also can be another cause of failure. Planning on what we are going to do at a certain day, at a certain hour and at a certain minute. Most of the successful businesses we come across today, they just never grew over night. It took brilliant minds to work out on plan that is going to accommodate all the customers. How they are going to raise the company and how they will contribute to the success of the company.

3. Lack Of Prior Planning.

They came up with a plan that made the business alive up to date. A good example of the most successful mobile network is Planning makes works easier. During the planning you get to identify all the significant points that you will be working on, planning will give you the overview of the whole work. How the work is supposed to be done, how much man power will be needed for it to proceed. I talked about his in my previous post ( Safaricom which was launched in Kenya in 1993 up to date this company is still running at the top. This is all possible because there was a plan.
When you start your project, business or anything that you know it will be worth for you spending your time on, then make sure you give it a strategic plan.

How To Be A successful Leader). Starting your work without a plan is like boarding a bus without knowing where you are heading. A one step towards your failure. Just think of this example. You have three weeks left for you to do your exam, or maybe let me say you have project that you have been given to perform it within the allocated time.
The only way you can ensure that the project is accomplished on time, it is for you to lay out all ways that will make your project successful. You will have to sit down and plan on how the project is going to be carried out, how many people will it entail, thus the aspect of planning comes in. You have know it now, try to avoid it and achieve the best of your effort.

This same spirit went on until I manage to score the amazing grade that I never expected to score. This only happened because I changed my attitude toward this subject. I developed interest for it. This is the same thing you should do when you want anything in your life. Take a

stand and face your fears.
If it would have been for the negative attitude I had for physics, could I have obtained the chance to join College to pursue Mechanical Engineering?

As we have been able to know why people fail in life, we have also been able to know that this things that make people fail are avoidable.I know you are aware that there are thousands of reasons why people in life. For today I was able to get for you this few points so that you ca digest as you are waiting to receive the next amazing article.

Originally published at on July 19, 2019.



Abduljabbar Ramadhan Ali

Hello, I'm Abduljabar from Mombasa, Kenya. I'm a passionate blogger and a friendly man. Here is my blogs (Her Beauty)