Leaders Are Made Not Born!

Abduljabbar Ramadhan Ali
7 min readJul 7, 2019

Leaders are made not born. Leaders gain their skills by learning. You cannot wake up one day and decide you want to be a leader, and be a successful one. You will have to go step by step. Acquire what is right for you to lead. Through your daily life experiences and how your daily problems, this can be significant enough for you to acquire leadership.

Leaders arise, from inferior to superior, depending on how they handle their own life first.Can you be a leader, when managing your own life is a problem? Shape your life first. Have the qualities that a leader is supposed to have. That is confidence, honest, trustworthy and patient.

Do you know the steps that can lead you to the point of leadership you have been dreaming of? Remember, leadership is not only in work institutes, educational institutes, religious institutes and in families but also leadership within you!

I`ll will provide you with few steps that are so relevant when it comes to building your own leadership skills. The skills I have been using, in my whole life that enable me to be preferred as a leader whenever I went. If you want to develop your leadership skills, you should learn how to:-


Time management is one of the most fundamental thing that a leader should learn to manage it. Time defines the quality of our course we are going to work on. When we utilize our time in an efficient way, we maximize the production of our efforts.

Imagine you are working on a project. The project is suppose to take two weeks to its completion. You will find that when you fail to work it out considering time, time will be exhausted without you finding the right solution for your project.

Here is a good way on how you can manage your time. The first thing I would urge you to do is, Make a schedule of your all activities of the day. Making a schedule will help you plan the appropriate time for each action. When the schedule is already made, now it is your duty to make sure you adhere to it strictly.

After some couple of weeks you will get used to the schedule. Now when you have master the schedule to an extend you can do variety of activities within the stipulated time. You will have to reduce the number of hours now you allocated first when you were making the timetable.When you had planned, you will be going out for lunch for one hour, make it forty minutes. The time you would use to do play online games if you are a fan, lets say for instance you made it 2 hours, make it to one and a half hour. This should be done, to all activities that you know aren`t of much benefit to you. The activities that you consider them to be wants not needs.

The process if followed carefully, can results to the best outcomes that you will be grateful of. Time is the backbone of everything.


Solving your daily problems and issues you encounter in your daily life, can be another way to attain this leadership skills. When you know how you can deal with your own problems, it will be obviously be easy for you to help someone else solve his or her problem. Leadership is always about solving a problem within your area. That the reason why most of the leaders are being voted for.

Leaders have to find solutions for emerging issues. The emerging issues may be of any kind, even the ones you never thought they would happen. You have to be smart to find solutions for them. That is where the point of problem solving comes in.

Learn how you can tackle your problems in a wise way. The ways you know you wont have a negative reputation on your own CV. Take it as someone is watching over you, and you have to do your best to attain the better results on how you are solving your problems. This aspects always goes on how you are reasoning, if you have an impaired judgement due to the drugs you are using, eventually you will fail on this.

When you live a health lifestyle, you will always have a positive way to solve your own problems. Let me give you a quick example on how you can identify on how you are suppose to solve your problems.

The first thing you should always do before you try to solving a problem, identify the magnitude of the problem. Simply because, when you identify its magnitude, this will enable you to know how you can handle it.

Then ask yourself, which will be appropriate way for you to solve the problem, will it be by using your muscle of by using your brain. The second thing you will have to ask yourself, what are the outcomes, when you use your muscle or brain? This will enable you to measure whether the results will be pleasing or displeasing to you or someone else. By following such simple steps you can get it right on how to solve your problems. The second step of moving towards leadership.


This point to some of you it might seem the same as point number two. I`ll show you how this point can vary from point number two.

When it comes to the aspect of making decisions it is completely different from problem solving skills. When you want to make decision, you have first to identify the outcomes since the problem is already with you.

Teach yourself how to make sounds decision. Decisions that won`t have any negative impact on you. This will help you sharpen your mind, make you understand on how you can deliver the right decisions for your subjects.

Decision making, sometimes it comes to be the hardest part that someone has to deal with in their lives. Some of the decisions that we are always trying to come with, they may completely favor as or they may be having negative impacts on our souls, but it is the right thing to be done.

You have to put all your all your feelings away when you want to make a sound decision. It won`t make it sound when you give decisions while you are angry or frustrated. Doing this, won`t bring the correct sense of decisions. You may end up balancing on one part and leave the other part out of balance.

Always make decisions without fear or favor. As a leader, you are supposed to be in the middle, be able to identify and clarify the right and the wrong, the truth and the lie, so that when you are making a decision it won`t favor any part of your subjects.


Leadership involves on how best you can deliver a message to your subject. Communication is the basic element for passing information from one person to another. People will understand you better when you can express yourself, when you can defend your facts and how you want everyone to look upon you.

If you can master the skill of communication, you can make thousands of people support you and have confidence in your leadership. You can find that the most successful politicians, are those who have the best communication skills, simply because, they can convince a crowd of people to follow them and make them vote for him or her.

Communicate with people around you with respect and honor. No matter the age of the person or the status, always communicate with respect to them. You should not raise your voice before people, do not speak rudely, do not use vulgar language try your best to make everyone feel comfortable when you are talking to them. Let people understand you.

Communication can ruin your CV or can rise it up to a positive way. People will either approve you or disapprove you by observing how you communicate to them. No one will allow you to lead them when you can`t sufficiently express yourself before them. How are you going to defend their rights if you can`t even express yourself.


Commitment determines how successful you will achieve your goals. Without commitment, you will never manage to lead. Most of your project will always remain hanging, you won`t be able to follow up most of your activities. You will have a lot of pending works. If it is in the office

, many works will be unchecked, chaos will be a apart of you.

If you want to get anything in your life, you always have to be committed to get it. Nothing will come to you in a silver plate. You want to be a leader? First work out on your own goals first, achieve about 50% of your needs, at least you will be having a story to tell, at least people can be motivated from your own story line.

Commitment does not just come an easy way as you may think, commitment comes to those who work for it, you have to leave your laziness behind and focus on working hard. Work! Work! Work! until you have nothing left to work for.

I would like to let you know, nothing is impossible, if you make your stand and work for what you want in your life( How To Make Stand InYou Life)
Nothing is impossible if you work with determination and focus ( Nothing Is Impossible)

You can also check out on my other post How To Be A Successful Leader .
Thanks for reading. Stay in touch for my latest post.
Don`t forget to leave your comment behind if possible i`ll reach out to you.

Originally published at https://lifebloggerxz.blogspot.com on July 7, 2019.



Abduljabbar Ramadhan Ali

Hello, I'm Abduljabar from Mombasa, Kenya. I'm a passionate blogger and a friendly man. Here is my blogs herbeautyonly.blogspot.com (Her Beauty)